Friday, January 27, 2012

Internet explore 6, 7 ,8 - CSS box shadow and CSS border radius - Tricks and hacks

Plz folks these are the useful links to hack IE 6 ,7 and 8 .....9, we know that IE wont support CSS border radius and CSS box the solution for this. ie 6 also support CSS border radius and CSS box shadow

here you go people

div { background-color: #fff; zoom: 1; filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Shadow(color='#969696', Direction=135, Strength=3); }

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

How to Check if mod_rewrite is working for my site and on Server- .htaccess works

If you suspect mod_rewrite may not be working on your site, one simple method to verify is to setup a single redirect to test it.

Add the following line to the top of your .htaccess file:

 RewriteEngine on RewriteRule testpage\.html [R]
Then re-upload it to your server.

Once the .htaccess file has been updated, enter the following into your browser:

This should automatically redirect you to Google.

If this works, then mod_rewrite IS working on your server.

If this does NOT work, then mod_rewrite is either disabled or setup incorrect. Contact the vBSEO Total Support Team via a the ticketing system:

way -2

How to Check if mod_rewrite is Enabled on your Server

Here's a tip I thought I would share. Many of the open source applications that are currently available rely on an Apache module called mod_rewrite to rewrite requested URL's on the fly. Applications such as Mambo rely on mod_rewrite being present and enabled on a server in order to produce Search Engine Friendly URL's.
Here is a way to check if mod_rewrite is enabled on your server...
  • Create a file called .htaccess (note there is nothing before the file extension).
  • Put only these two lines in your .htaccess file.
    Options +FollowSymLinks
      Redirect /google.html
  • Upload this file to your site root on your server.
  • Now point your browser to: (replacing with the domain name of your own website).
If you are redirected to Google, mod_rewrite is working.
If you get an error, then mod_rewrite is not working.
If mod_rewrite is not working, check Apache configuration.

Apache requirements for mod_rewrite

The Apache httpd.conf file has the settings to enable URL rewriting.
Two settings are required.
  • mod_rewrite module is installed
    Search file for LoadModule rewrite_module and un-comment that line (remove the leading #)
  • AllowOverride All
    Search file for AllowOverride None and change it to AllowOverride All
Restart Apache
Restarting the Apache web server is required for the changes to take effect.
NOTE: If you are testing whether mod_rewrite is enabled for your Mambo Open Source website, you need to follow these steps:
  • Rename your htaccess.txt to .htaccess, or use your existing .htaccess file.
  • Enable SEF URL's in your administrator backend
  • Place the following lines in your .htaccess file.
    Options +FollowSymLinks
      Redirect /google.html
  • If your site is located in a sub-domain, eg. "test", you need to include the subdomain in the path, like this for example:
    Options +FollowSymLinks
      Redirect /test/google.html
  • Point your browser to: or (replacing with the domain name of your own website and subdomain - if applicable- with your subdomain name).
If you are redirected to Google, mod_rewrite is working.
If you get an error, then mod_rewrite is not working.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

How to Remove two Hard-Coded Home in wordpress navigation bar

How to Remove two home link in wordpress navigation bar.

There are so many wordpress sites , blogs and forums try to explain how to remove home link in wordpress navigation menu , if you create a static page for your wordpress blog or wordpress site , you will get two home link in main navigation bar, so here im try to explain how i remove the first Home link, the other blogs try to explain something but i realize its not working in wordpress 3.3 and above. -  this link will help you to set static home page for wordpress

once you set a static home page , there are two home page will be display in main navigation bar, one is wordpress default and another is which is set by you. if you follow the wordpress default home as your static homepage. then you won't face this two home page problem, if you set your new page as static page , you will face this problem.  so here we go,

go to your FTP -  /wp-content/themes/themefolder/ - here i choose  /wp-content/themes/twentyeleven/functions.php - download this php file and open it. you will see below code line nearly 358 , edit it and upload it. thats it.

open functions.php  in /wp-content/themes/twentyeleven/  and change $args['show_home'] = true; to  $args['show_home'] = false;  

once you upload the file i to same folder and referesh your site, you wont see the first home link anymore..

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

List of Light Box Effect Tools and Scripts Which Lightbox is Right for You?

If you only want to display images:
Lightbox 2 - the original, by Lokesh Dhakar, is a "simple, unobtrusive script used to overlay images on the current page. It's a snap to setup and works on all modern browsers."
Framework: prototype, scriptaculous
Displays: images (with transition effects)
Lightbox ++ - based on the original Lightbox but provides more options for image re-sizing based on browser window size.
Framework: none
Displays: images
Litebox - a code-reduced version of Lightbox, uses the moo.fx library and prototype-lite. A good choice if page weight is a concern.
Framework: Prototype Lite, moo.fx
Slimbox - a lightweight variation of the original Lightbox, built on mootools.
Framework: mootools,
Displays: images
If you want to display html, forms, flash, video etc.:
Thickbox is a "webpage UI dialog widget written in JavaScript on top of the jQuery library. Its function is to show a single image, multiple images, inline content, iframed content, or content served through AJAX in a hybrid modal."
Framework: jQuery
Displays: images (no transitions but will resize images if larger than browser window), inline, iframe or ajax served content.
Lightbox Gone Wild! can be used to provide additional info, show an image or present a form for user input.
Framework: prototype
Displays: images, html, forms etc.
Multi-faceted Lightbox - prototyped based again, but offers a variety of options for different types of data that can be loaded in the lightbox.
Displays: images, html
Leightbox - very similar to Lightbox Gone Wild (prototype based, allows images, html etc) except that Leightbox keeps the lightbox content in the html, but hidden from view, so that it can be indexed by search engines.
Frontbox - self-contained script that doesn't rely on any other frameworks; degrades well, lightweight, cross-browser and can display images, html, ajax served content and hidden divs.
Framework: none
Displays: images, html, ajax-served, hidden divs
Lytebox - based on original Lightbox script but written to eliminate the need for the prototype and scriptaculous libraries.
Framework: none
Displays: Images (including slideshow option) and html content.
Bumpbox - an ajax lightbox script that can display images, html content, PDF's, remote content etc.
Displays: Images, html, pdf's, flash (in limited browsers), remote content
Lightbox++ - lightbox clone that's built to handle Flash as well as regular images.
Framework: prototype, scriptaculous
Displays: Flash, images
iBox - super lightweigh script that handles Images, inline divs, and external HTML pages, without any external libraries.
Framework: none
Displays: images, divs external html.
YUI Based Lightbox - a lightbox script built on Yahoo User Interface Library
Framework: YUI Library and dependencies
Better Modal Window - prototype based script that uses a hidden div in the html as content source for the lightbox.
Displays: anything you can put in a div.
Almost CSS Only Lightbox - the author calls it a CSS Only Lightbox, but it's not quite that. It is mostly, only CSS though :)
Suckerfish Hover Lighbox - lightbox effect while keeping accessibility. Not classic lightbox-ish but a nice presentation, nonetheless.
Un-named Lightbox Variant - based on Version 1 of the original Lightbox script, this one adds subtitle and fullsize support, hides forms and Flash objects and works even when JS isn't on.
Execute Lightbox Scripts from Flash - a how-to.
AJAX for lightboxes - an informative article on bringing AJAX to lightboxes.
Add-ons to other scripts:
Slightbox - adds lightbox functionality to JonDesign's SmoothGallery.
Lightbox 2 for Wordpress - bring lightbox functionality to WordPress based sites with this script built on prototype and scriptaculous.

Textpattern Lightbox
- lightbox script for Textpattern based sites.

Greased Lightbox - greasemonkey, creammonkey and Opera user script for adding Lightbox functionality to sites like Flickr, DeviantArt, My Space, Wikipedia
Galri - lightbox add-on script for Picasa
Did I miss any? Let me know via my contact form.
Added: Highslide JS - a simple thumbnail viewer script that differs from traditional lightboxes, in that it doesn't prevent the user from scrolling the containing page. It also degrades nicely and doesn't require any additional framework install. (Thanks Trevor, for passing this one on!)
Added: jQuery Lightbox which is an images only port of Lightbox 2 built on the jQuery Library. (thanks Tom for sending this link along!)

from :   & usefull proxy -