Recently i faced an issue in yii/ajax pagination that running some javascript/jquery function in the randerpartial view.
let me explain the issue here
i have a view.php and the _view.php for partial file. there are some jquery function in randerpartial(_view.php) file which will work with each item ID. so i just add the JQuery codes in the partial(_view.php) file .
on the first page load , the jquery functions are works fine and when i go for the second page using yii pagination . those jquery functions are not working . even when i use fire-bug / inspect element to view the code. those jquery codes are not there in the second page .its appearing on first view only.
while reading some forums and yii notes , found that yii-jquery firing some additional jquery codes on the pagination which overwrite / disabled mine. those says afterAjaxUpdate will help to fix the issue as its will force to fire my jquery on pagination.
here i found thise useful link
but i found another shortcut too.
just made 'afterAjaxUpdate'=>'', on the CListView/TbListView . will solve the problem as its not gonna fire any ajax/jquery code on the pagination , so my jquery will work normally on pagination.
problem solved!!!
my view.php:
adding this line helped me alot
let me explain the issue here
i have a view.php and the _view.php for partial file. there are some jquery function in randerpartial(_view.php) file which will work with each item ID. so i just add the JQuery codes in the partial(_view.php) file .
on the first page load , the jquery functions are works fine and when i go for the second page using yii pagination . those jquery functions are not working . even when i use fire-bug / inspect element to view the code. those jquery codes are not there in the second page .its appearing on first view only.
while reading some forums and yii notes , found that yii-jquery firing some additional jquery codes on the pagination which overwrite / disabled mine. those says afterAjaxUpdate will help to fix the issue as its will force to fire my jquery on pagination.
here i found thise useful link
but i found another shortcut too.
just made 'afterAjaxUpdate'=>'', on the CListView/TbListView . will solve the problem as its not gonna fire any ajax/jquery code on the pagination , so my jquery will work normally on pagination.
problem solved!!!
my view.php:
1: $this->widget('bootstrap.widgets.TbListView', array(
2: //'type'=>'striped bordered condensed',
3: 'dataProvider'=>$dataProvider,
4: 'id'=>'Manage',
5: 'template'=>'{summary}{sorter}{items}{pager}',
6: 'summaryText' => 'Showing {start} - {end} of {count} Jobs',
7: 'itemView'=>'_view', // refers to the partial view named '_post'
8: //'ajaxUpdate'=>false,
9: 'emptyText'=>'<i> Sorry, there are no items to display</i>',
10: //'htmlOptions' => array('style'=>'margin-top:-20px;'),
11: 'afterAjaxUpdate'=>'',
12: 'sortableAttributes'=>array(
13: 'title'=>'Title',
14: 'created'=>'Date Posted',
15: 'status'=>'Status',
16: ),
17: ));
1: <select class="w-select status_action" id="
<?php echo $data->ID; ?>"> 2: <option value="">Select one...</option> 3: . 4: . 5: . 6: . 7: </select> 8: <label class="updatestatus_text">Would you like to:</label> 9: <script> 10: $('#
<?php echo $data->ID; ?>').bind('change', function () { 11: var url = $(this).val(); // get selected value 12: if (url) { // require a URL 13: window.location = url; // redirect 14: } 15: return false; 16: }); 17: </script>
adding this line helped me alot